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HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE Seeds | Agyreia nervosa


Welcome to Sacred Plants Australia.


We greet you in the love and light.


We currently have available:


  • HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE Seeds - Infinity Strain - Agyreia nervosa


These untreated medicinal grade Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds possess a high quality genetic profile and are freshly harvested from our own garden.


The ‘Infinity Strain’ from Australia is a unique hybrid which is a cross between the well known 'Hawaiian' variety and the Australian variety known as 'Alligator Creek' from North Queensland.


The beautiful, woody, flowering trellis vine Argyreia nervosa, most commonly known as Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, flourishes in direct sunlight in hot, humid climates. Known to reach over 10m in length, the leaves are large and downy with velvety white hairs, and the purple flowers gradate from a deep fuchsia shade inside to a lighter shade of lavender toward the outer petals. The seed pods dry into woody 'rosebuds', each one containing 4 seeds. The seeds are known to be rich in alkaloids. Unfortunately, one cannot simply plant an Argyreia nervosa and expect to get seeds within a few months or even a year. In most parts of the world, it can take a second flowering, or two years to get your first batch of seeds from this exotic plant. In India, growing seasons are often accelerated, so one can often get seeds within 18 months, but for many that’s still an extraordinarily long time to wait. But, once this beautiful climber is growing in your garden, you will find yourself delighted by the mere presence of this graceful plant, and all the effort will be worth it once you get your first harvest of seeds.




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We do not advocate the use of any plant in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




If you have any questions, please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have a fantastic day and thank you for supporting our passion and our purpose.


Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia

HAWAIIAN BABY WOODROSE Seeds | Agyreia nervosa

SKU: Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Agyreia nervosa
PriceFrom AU$13.50
Out of Stock
  • 1. Scarify the seeds and soak for 24 hours in spring water.


    2. Fill a humidity dome seedling tray with seed raising mix and plant the seeds  1cm deep.


    3. Water the seeds and wait 2-3 weeks. Water the seeds until the soil is damp to the touch. Make sure not to over water or else the seeds will become waterlogged and rot. In 2-3 weeks, you should notice seedlings emerge.


    4. Keep the tray in a well-lit area. The seedlings should be kept in a bright and warm area, like a windowsill, so they can grow. Remember that the more light a plant gets, the more water the plant will need.


    5. Once there are at least 5cm tall, they are ready to transplant. Spring is the best time to do this.


    6. Transplant the seedlings into the garden. Once you have unearthed a seedling, put it in a hole slightly larger than the root ball and fill in with Premium Potting Mix. Provide a trellis for the vine to climb.


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