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YOPO Seeds | Anadenanthera peregrina


Welcome to Sacred Plants Australia.


We greet you in the love and light.


We currently have available:


YOPO Seeds - Anadenanthera peregrina


Available in 5 seed and 15 seed packs.


These medicinal grade seeds possess a high quality genetic profile and are freshly harvested from our own garden.


Yopo is considered one of the seven Master Teacher Plants and is the grandfather of The Vine of the Soul. The Anadenanthera peregrina tree grows from 3m - 18m and has bark with thorns and knotty constrictions. The leaves are pinnate and quite long. Anadenanthera colubrina and Anadenanthera peregrina are very similar in appearance and are difficult to distinguish from each other. At night, the tree’s leaves fold together, opening up in the morning. Glands on the stems release a sweet nectar, which ants are very attracted to consuming. In turn, the ants destroy pests that might harm the tree. The pods, which are borne profusely on the Yopo tree, are flat and deeply constricted between each seed. When ripe, the seed pods break open, exposing up to 10 flat black seeds. These are then gathered, often ceremonially.




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We do not advocate the use of any plant in any particular way. We aim to support and encourage education around the traditional use of sacred plants. All information herein is provided for historical, educational and research purposes only.




If you have any questions, please get in touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.


Have a fantastic day and thank you for supporting our passion and our purpose.


Love & Light


Sacred Plants Australia

YOPO Seeds | Anadenanthera peregrina

SKU: Yopo Seeds Anadenanthera peregrina
PriceFrom AU$16.00
  • Anadenanthera peregrina seeds should be inserted into a good quality seed raising mix, approximately half in the soil and half out. Place the embryo end into the mix, it’s the little notch you see on the edge of each seed. Place the tray outside when you know you’ll have a few days of light rain. Germination will start almost immediately, you can watch the seeds swell as they take up moisture. Germination should be complete within 5 days. Daily minimum temperatures should be above 20ºC.


    Young plants establish well and grow quickly, usually reaching more than 2.5m in 2 years. Anadenanthera peregrina likes a full sun position and well-drained soil. Will respond well to regular watering over the warmer months but hates soggy roots. Grows extremely well on slopes. Do not mulch around the base of the plant as it doesn’t seem to like this. Anadenathera peregrina is drought hardy once established due to its water storing roots. Deciduous in most areas over the colder months. There is no need to fertilise as this species has a symbiotic relationship with soil bacteria. These bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric Nitrogen. Some of this Nitrogen is utilised by the tree but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby.


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